First Annual Survey of Summer Stock Costume Jobs
It's the end of the summer! That means the end of the Summer Stock season and back to reality. Well, as much reality as a job in theater provides.
We have all shared the stories. They range from images of theater bliss to those resembling war stories. There has been long work hours, work camaraderie, and summer love. Summer Stock has been described as a rite of passage. But what's the difference between a challenging but good experience and one that makes you question your life choices?
With this in mind, I created this survey to gather information about your experiences this summer. The goal is to take a bit of the mystery out of what to expect for next summer. My goal is not shame the worst offenders (an BOY have I heard some horror stories) but to highlight the places that are doing it right. When I publish the results in December, job seekers will hopefully be able to sort through the best places to work and have both a challenging AND rewarding summer experience.
Click here to take the survey!
We have all shared the stories. They range from images of theater bliss to those resembling war stories. There has been long work hours, work camaraderie, and summer love. Summer Stock has been described as a rite of passage. But what's the difference between a challenging but good experience and one that makes you question your life choices?
With this in mind, I created this survey to gather information about your experiences this summer. The goal is to take a bit of the mystery out of what to expect for next summer. My goal is not shame the worst offenders (an BOY have I heard some horror stories) but to highlight the places that are doing it right. When I publish the results in December, job seekers will hopefully be able to sort through the best places to work and have both a challenging AND rewarding summer experience.
Click here to take the survey!
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